
I tried crossfit for a month!

Morning lovelies,

I'm at the stage where I'm just trying everything out to see what works for me and what I like so I decided to give crossfit a go. When I was searching it up there was a lot of mixed vibes towards this sort of exercise so I didn't exactly know how I was going to like it but gave it a go anyways.

So the first session I attended I was OVERWHELMED. It was a small session of about 12 people and in the particular crossfit gym I joined the maximum amount of people there could be in a class is 16. The moment I got there I was sent to do a 100m sprint followed by 5 burpees, and if that was not bad enough I had to do three sets of them. T.H.R.E.E. After the three "warm-up" sets I had sweat trickling off my face and could hear my heart beat rapidly (Yes, I was huffing and puffing in the warm up).

We then proceeded to pick up weights and do a series of 30 reps of arm/shoulder work outs followed by 10 push ups. This again was done in three sets. I cannot do push ups. Even through the guidance of the coach, I had extreme difficulties in performing a proper one. I was not able to complete the full three sets but that's alright because I gave it my best. :)

When we entered the gym area, I was so confused with all the cross fit lingo. There was Rx, WOD, etc. and I was super duper lost. However, the coaches were really helpful and guided me through the workout and ensured I had proper form and technique. The problem came in the days proceeding my first session... My whole body ached like it never ached before. I couldn't open doors, climb stairs or even cup of water without my arms shaking. I did not except that to happen. Yes, I knew I would be sore but my body was incapable of doing normal daily activities and it was so bad that I didn't go to any sessions the next few days.

After four days, my body still did not recover and I was telling myself how all the articles about crossfit being bad for your limbs were true! I was so scared that my body would break in the next session that I wanted to quit but my friend kept pushing me to go and I am so glad that she did! Crossfit was a life changer for me. Did it suck the first week? Hell yeah. Every inch of my body was crying! But I pushed through, I attended three crossfit sessions a week for five weeks and the results were amazing!

In the beginning, I had to use the 8kg barbell as I could not lift the normal 20kg one. The 8kg kettle bell swing was heavy as hell for me and I could only do lunges with 5kg MAX. It has been just over a month since I decided to do crossfit and now I can squat 25kgs. TWENTY FIVE. That is 17kgs heavier than what I first started with!

Crossfit has made me so much stronger and I feel really good about myself. Everyone who is thinking of trying it, go for it! I'm really addicted to crossfit right now and I can't wait to see how much stronger I can be soon.

If anyone is in Perth, I'd recommend forfitness in CanningVale. The coaches are awesome and they have free trials, challenges and a 14 day pass to try it out for 2 weeks for just $14 :)

♥ Jess

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